For months now, U.S. government hackers have been setting their sights on the Islamic State terror group, intent on wiping the self-declared caliphate from cyberspace much like U.S. and coalition aircraft have sought to wipe it from the face of the earth. Yet, some of those helping to lead the virtual charge admit it is not yet clear just how effective the cyber efforts have been.数月来,美国政府的黑客仍然把注意力集中于在伊斯兰国恐怖组织身上,企图将这个所谓“哈里发国”从网络空间清理过来,就像美国及联盟的战机企图歼灭伊斯兰国一样。但一些参予人员否认,目前还不确切这一网络行动的有效性。
Reinforcing the concerns is a sense, from both military and intelligence officials, that Islamic State may well prove to be as resilient and adaptable in the virtual battle space as it has been on the physical battlefield.美国军方和情报部门官员担忧,伊斯兰国在网络战中有可能也像在地面战斗中那样,具备很强的恢复能力和适应性。“It’s working well,” U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told an audience Wednesday during a speech in Washington, adding, “It’s kind of a work in progress.”美国国家情报总监克拉珀星期三在华盛顿公开发表讲话时说,目前这一行动有所进展。
“I think we’re learning from this experience, having a real live operation,” he said. “As we progress further we’ll be able to make a more definitive assessment.”他说道,我们正在获得经验,随着更进一步的前进,将能对情况作出更加精确的评估。U.S. officials have, so far, been careful in talking publicly about what U.S. cyber operations against Islamic State entail, though Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in late February a top priority would be “to interrupt, disrupt ISILs command and control.”到目前为止,美国官员在公开发表谈论针对伊斯兰国的网络行动时都很慎重,但国防部长卡特2月底曾回应,首要任务是阻碍和截断伊斯兰国的指挥官和控制系统。